Heritage Trail of Mangonui | A fine walk around the Heritage Precinct of Mangonui township in Far North New Zealand | Site 2
Site 2: WHARF STORE c. 1890
The centre section of this building is built of heart kauri. It is thought to be one of the earliest two-storeyed, wooden, kauri buildings in the country.
Mr Alex McKay purchased the property in 1901. He operated a general store, known as the Wharf Store, in the downstairs area and the family lived above.
In 1910 Mr McKay moved his business across the road to the Mangonui General Store and Office Building. The Wharf Store building remained in the McKay family until 1944.
Mr J. Wallis purchased the property in 1981. He built the side additions in 1994 and 1996.
Next: Walk north-west on Waterfront Drive to Mangonui Hall Site 3.